Apr 2, 2012

Stockholm vs. Gothenburg

It was a great bout, our B-team took the win, but me and Loony were really impressed by both teams. I'm so delighted to see that Swedish teams are growing into their own and Gothenburg already looked better in this bout than they did against Malmös B-team. MadFish is really becoming such a great player, it is amazing, but of course it is not only her, but the entire team that is stepping up, and compared to the Gothenburg, I went and coached a little over a year ago... this is FANTASTIC.

I am superduper proud of our B-team, and it was a delight to be bench-staff for them, even if my voice might suffer just a tad today... once again I think my office will think I partied to hard during the weekend. We had seven girls that played their first bout, and they KILLED it, and worked really well together with our more seasoned girls. Yaya... Congrats to ALL of you this weekend, you all did a fantastic job! I'm a proud coach and a proud member of Stockholm Rollerderby... In general I'm just proud of being a part of Swedish Rollerderby! We all rock!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! You know that it really means a lot coming from you!
    Love love love!
