Aug 18, 2013

Frustration - and I can only blame myself

Today I tried to run - and my leg just refused. It did not matter how I begged it - how I pushed it - it just would not go in the same page as the rest of my body! 
It is FRUSTRATING - not that I like running at all - I really HATE running! I just hate to accept that I'm not the master if my own body! My leg has taken charge, and I have NOT been forcing it hard enough to get back on track!
Yes, this was an eyeopener - I am back skating and biking - but not up running - and that means I am not totally back! 

So no more putting around - body you are in for a treat! Why did I let myself be lazy? Maybe because it's been GOtime for five years and it was nice to sit back and just tag along for a bit, but guess that's not me. 

Putting together a rather tough work-out schedual for myself - because what else is there? Rollerderby, friends, work, working-out, food, travel and good books!

1 comment:

  1. Jag förstår att det stundvis kan vara tufft när man ligger på en sådan nivå som ni gör i STRD Allstars, att alltid ligga på topp, men att träna är ju liksom.. livsviktigt ändå! Man mår så jävla bra, känner sig frisk och glad. Hoppas att jag och västerås roller derby kommer till en sån nivå snart också, vad härligt det skulle vara med lite mer derby och träning i livet! att träna tillsammans som lag är bland det bästa jag vet i livet! Hoppas benet kommer back on track igen!
