Jul 12, 2015

Freddie Thunders need a little help to get back on his feet....

Freddie went into surgery yesterday and is recovering well, but OMG and Bonnie need a little help with his medical expenses.

Last summer the three of them took me in when I needed it the most, and they deserve all the love and support they can get. Freddie cuddled with me many nights, and farted on me... maybe the farting wasn't the best memories.

OMG and Bonnie have worked hard for creating the rollerderby we play today, international rollerderby would not look like it does if it wasn't for them. This is a place for us all to give back a little to two (three with Freddie) amazing people that have done more for us than we can all understand.

Just a few dollars will take them a long way... they seldom ask for things and they have given the rollerderby community so much.

Please follow this link:


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